Most cats are naturally curious and adventurous- but not all of them are courageous. If your cat is rather timid and anxious, you’re not the only one. Chumka (my cat) is a pretty anxious cat. And after his recent surgery, he completely lost trust in the outside world. I think most adventure cat parents go through this step – helping their cat be more comfortable outdoors – so here are a couple things you can try out! It can be a long process to help your pet gain confidence, but it’s a very rewarding one.
Here are just a couple reminders, before we get into the details..
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Go at your cat’s pace
First and foremost, it’s important to go at your cat’s pace and be patient with him/her. I am a fairly patient person, but even for me, it was difficult at times…
Pushing your cat to do something can have a negative effect, and do more harm than good.
It will also help you notice signs that your kitty might try to escape or run (away). It’s quite a common occurrence, especially if you get spooked by something or someone.
Now let’s get to the exciting part!
Go outside with your cat in the backpack
This is probably the most underrated step in adventure cat training. Once your cat learns that the backpack is his/her safe space, start going on walk with him/her in it. You don’t need to let the kitty out at all. Chumka tries to escape the backpack in the first 30 seconds, but then he is content to be a passenger prince.
You can take the same route each time, so your kitty can memorise it. Perhaps that could lead to your pet feeling comfortable enough to come out from the backpack, and explore the trail a bit! Every little step (literally and figuratively) can lead to feeling more confident.
Gently encourage your cat to step outside comfort zone
I know that earlier I said to not push your cat to do things. But this is done in a much different way. Before you try this, you want to make sure that you know your kitty well, and activities or areas that your cat feels comfortable in.
There is something so rewarding about watching your pet push through their comfort zone. Knowing that the kitty is comfortable around you, and trusts you to help them out if needed.
We often take Chumka along when we run errands. He stays in the car for most of it – if not all the time. But this allows him to watch people (he’s afraid of humans) from his safe space.
Another thing we do with Chumka is to take him to some pet friendly stores – such as pet stores, Home Depot, or garden stores. I try to find stores that are quiet-er, not too crowdy (or big enough that you can space out), and where I can keep Chumka in his backpack.
Some cats are just anxious – and it’s okay
Try to be okay with the fact that you have an anxious cat, and you might need to adjust how you adventure. This can be a very tough pill to swallow… I know it is for me. We’ve had chumka for 2 years and he’s still an anxious cat.
I had those great ideas and dreams of what we would do with Chumka, and where we would take him… but unfortunately, we can’t. Maybe that’s how you feel right now? Maybe you’re doubting if you’re a good cat parent? Or maybe you think you didn’t do a “good enough” job socializing your cat? Trust me, there are “more of us” than there are courageous adventure cats.
Try to remember that social media is a highlight of everyone’s lives – and their pets lol. We all post only the successes and skip the rough times.
Final Words
Just know that it’s still doable to take your anxious cat on adventures. It might take a bit more planning and/ or improvising if something goes wrong. And don’t forget to do hikes / adventures / activities that you want to experience – whether with or without a cat. It’s essential in keeping you happy and excited about the outdoors!
I hope you found this post beneficial and please give your pet(s) some love from me 😊❤️
Hello there! Some of the things I’m obsessed with are cats, science and medicine - so this (blog) is a perfect mixture of those three things, isn’t it?! Join me as I write about cool things I’ve learned and obsessed over.