There is a post on preparing for camping with your cat. It’s a great article before you start packing – I’d say it covers the “behind the scenes”. But I wanted to create a more in depth post – focusing on what we pack for Chumka. We recently went beach camping and since it was a remote location – I needed to overpack. The nearest pet store was about 4 hours away 🙈
The struggle when packing for this trip was how distant it was, and limited space. I wasn’t able to stick with our usual food as it requires freezer/ fridge, so I needed to think outside the box. I actually made a separate post on what food I brought on this trip. Click here to check it out! You can check out my Instagram post for short version of the post 😊
Here is a picture of (almost) all the things I packed for Chumka. The paper bag contains all his food for 6 days of camping/ travelling! I was very proud of how much products I was able to fit in there.
It definitely is a lot of items and some were not used – Chumka didn’t want to play with any of his toys. We also didn’t end up using the grooming glove or the second glow in the dark collar.
The best part is that everything fit in the kurgo backpack:
Hello there! Some of the things I’m obsessed with are cats, science and medicine - so this (blog) is a perfect mixture of those three things, isn’t it?! Join me as I write about cool things I’ve learned and obsessed over.